Highway Safety Grant Application Process
This video training was part of a service-learning project through my coursework at University of Wyoming. We were tasked with each creating a video describing the Highway Safety Grant application process based on the PowerPoint we were given. The unique challenge of this was not being able to access the systems use to enter the grant information and only work with the video snippets and screenshots provided. Since I had limited visual stimulus to work with, I made use of creative commons licensed images and videos, and created a few of my own as well. This was also my first time working with motion graphics in After Effects for both the opening sequence and the calendar animation at 11:53. I had no idea that animating a calendar was going to require so many steps! You can view the video below.
- Find all relevant forms including instructions and applications on the Basecamp site.
- Recall agency commitments for grants.
- Enter required information into appropriate areas of the grant forms.
- Submit the completed grant application.